Ever since high school, I've wanted to try photography. I can't get over how pictures can display beauty through someone's unique perspective-I always wanted to show others a new way to look at something through photographs I had taken. I just assumed that photography was easy- just view and snap. Not much thought, more feeling out what you want to take a picture of. In the last couple of years, I've realized how wrong I was.
Two weeks ago my amazing friend Ashley offered herself as a professor for a sorta Photgraphy101 class for Jessie, Christie, Andrew, and I!

Our first week, we learned about composition, and we were given our first assignment: focus on compostion while taking pictures of
red subjects. In true Flagstaff style our class+Adriane met beneath the shade of some trees on north campus to share and critique our photographs. I LOVED everyone's photos- it was so neat to see what subjects they chose and how they captured them! Overall, I was pretty proud of my final products...so here they are:

Obviously I had the honor of 'working with' my incredible and beautiful roomie, Adriane. As of our last class meeting, Adriane has joined as a student and I can't wait to see what her photos will look like!
*warning: when getting your pics printed, the store you go to may cut off the edges of your photos. I had to learn this the hard way :[ and haven't yet found out how to prevent this unfortunate occurance