while reading on, listen to the Eric Burton and the Animals' song San Fransiscan Nights for the full effect
it's 3ish days before spring break. obviously, i'm supah excited :) i'll be in no. cal. sunday through thursday with my mama and fake grandmother.
we'll be in San Jose at fake Grandma Enis's house enjoying her city and garden for a coupla days and in San Fransisco for a coupla days.
in San Fransisco I plan on:
-walking along fisherman's wharf, Pier 39
-visiting the wax museum (looked for pictures of when I went in high school and posed next to almost every wax figure, but realized they were taken on a disposeable and now sit in a family album in Phoenix)
-stopping in at Ghirardhelli Chocolate Factory
-touring WWII ships like the USS Jeremiah O'Brian
-maybe getting to visit Alcatraz, oo-lala
-admiring the ocean
-visiting my dad's early childhood home north of the city
-walking through China town, looking at things like ducks hanging in windows and pharmacies in which shark fins sit in proudly displayed jars (again, too bad I don't have access to the pics of my trip in high school!)
my packing list for this California trip contains things like:
-nautical themed clothing& accessories
-good walking shoes
-nautical themed clothing& accessories
-good walking shoes
-camera with lotsa batt'ries
-ipod to repeatedly listen to the aforementioned Animals song and my other classic Cali music like Jack's Mannequin and the Beach Boys
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